Past International Directors from INDIA

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Personal Details
District: 324
Address: 32, West Jones Road, Sunshine Apart, Block G, Flat No. 4D, West Saidapet, Chennai 600015
Spouse: Aruna. S
Home Club: Madras Pudur
Profession: Business
E-mail: [email protected]
Blood Group: O+ve
Mobile: 9841045333, 8939145333

Sampath Ranganathan

Past International Directors from INDIA

PMJF Lion R. Sampath was born in Chennai and is a graduate in
Economics. He is the Executive Director of Dhana Capital and Finance
Past Director R. Sampath is a member of the Lions Club of Madras Pudur
since 2000 and has held various leadership positions at the club level. He
has been a Zone Chairperson, District Chairperson, Cabinet Secretary and
Cabinet Treasurer at the District level. He has been a proud recipient of
several International President’s Awards and International President’s
Leadership Medal. He has also received the Helping Hand Award and Key
of State Award. He has developed close bondage with Lion members and is
reputed for his field work.
As the District Governor of LCI District 324 A5 in the year 2010-2011, Lion R.
Sampath left his mark by his significant contribution to the Lions Activity
Centre (Dialysis & Diagnostic). He added five dialysis machines and a
dialyzer machine totally worth Rs.60,00,000 by tapping the Corporate
Social Responsibility. His ‘One Lion – One Thousand’ initiative mobilized
Rs.10,00,000 for the Diagnostic Centre. His slogan “EDUCATE TO
ELEVATE” reflected his deep faith in the importance of education and
training, whether in public life or in the sphere of Lionism.
In the Lions Year 2011-2012, R. Sampath served as the Multiple District
Chair Person of MD 324. He went on to be nominated as LCIF Multiple
District Coordinator for the years 2012 – 2015. He has also been the LCIF
Regional Coordinator for MD 324 and MD 306. He has been a faculty
member in District Club Officers Schooling and MD Schooling for District
Governors and Vice District Governors.
R. Sampath has served as a Coordinator of All India Schooling for District
Governors (elect), First Vice District Governors (elect) and Second Vice
District Governors (elect). He is a globetrotter and has been regularly
attending Lions International Conventions and ISAAME Forums. R.
Sampath has sponsored 256 Lion Members.
R. Sampath is the Treasurer of Lions Activity Centre 324 A5, Trustee of
Lions Eye Bank & Lions Academy for Blind. The crowning glory in the life of
PMJF Lion R. Sampath was his installation as an International Directorfor
two years at the 102ndLions International Convention in Milan, Italy in July
2019. This became possible due to the tremendous support of the Lion
members and Lion leaders of Multiple District 324.
Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow R. Sampath is married to Lion
ArunaSampath and has two sons, Lion Dayanidhi and Narendranath.