Diabetes Grants

The LCIF Diabetes Grant Program can help develop community environments that inspire and support healthy lifestyles and provide education about diabetes and prediabetes. LCIF Diabetes grants can increase access to diabetes care and enhance existing diabetes centers to provide greater service to the community.
About Diabetes Grants
Diabetes Grants support diabetes youth camps and retreats, diabetes screening activities with comprehensive follow-up care plans, infrastructure and equipment acquisition for existing diabetes care facilities and training of professionals and community diabetes educators.
Lions districts are eligible for grants up to US$150,000; Lions multiple districts are eligible for grants up to US$250,000. Watch the video to learn more about a diabetes youth camp in Romania. Lion Ion Antonio Tache, from the Ploiești Lions Club shares, "without LCIF's support for this project, it would not have been possible for the Lions clubs of Romania to consolidate their efforts to fight diabetes".
New Requirements for Local Matching Funds
Important changes coming to Diabetes grant matching funds requirement July 1, 2021.
Lions must raise local matching funding in the form of cash contributions equivalent to 25 percent of the total project budget.
At least 25 percent of the required local matching funds must be collected at the time the application is submitted to LCIF. This must be evidenced through a bank statement included in the grant application.
Lions must have the balance of the local matching funding collected by the midpoint of the project timeline. The project midpoint will be calculated from the date of approval. For example, projects with a one year timeline must have all the local matching funds collected six months from the date of approval; projects with a two-year timeline must have all the local matching funds collected one year from the date of approval. The exact deadline date to have all local matching funding collected will be specified in the grant agreement.
For more information, please contact [email protected].
Application and Deadline
The applications for Diabetes Grants are due no later than 90 days prior to the start of the Board of Trustees meetings, which take place in January, May and August. Contact [email protected] for any questions.